「The Japan Weekly Mail」では、この時の山手の被害を詳しく伝えています。
The scenes of destruction witnessed on the Bund and in the other parts of the city were duplicated on the Bluff, where, with the exception of two or three houses, the whole of the buildings have been demolished. In fact, this part of Yokohama is now almost unrecognisable.
Businessmen who got clear away from their offices made their way to the Bluff, to assure themselves as to the where abouts of relatives. The bridge near the Grand Hotel connecting the Settlement with the Bluff had dropped a distance of fifteen feet, and it was with very considerable difficulty and danger that this was crossed. Up Camp Hill landslides had already occurred, and at the top the Gaiety, and the British. and American Naval Hospitals had collapsed. Almost, without exception, private houses were down, and in some cases had already burst into flames. From the Gaiety right through to Temple Court everything was down.
The Allied Memorial Arch, unveiled by the Prince of Wales two years ago, had toppled over into the cemetery: the three churches-Christ Church, Union Church, and the Roman Catholic Church had toppled over, and were quickly on fire; while the huge Retz building, of several stories high, had toppled over on the houses beneath, carrying destruction and death in its wake. The same thing had occurred with the well-known Temple Court building, once known as the F. W. Horne residence, which had collapsed and fallen on to Jizozaka. The main road had broken away, showing huge cavities five and six feet wide, and some ten or twelve feet deep.
From many of the residences there were miraculous escapes. Women and children, pinned beneath wreckage, were dug out by husbands who bad hurried up from the Settlement, splendid aid being given by the Japanese servants, while the devotion of the amahs to their little charges evoked unstinted praise from those who witnessed their many acts of self-sacrifice and courage.
In some cases. unfortunately, the efforts to save life was unavailing. Fires had broken out almost as soon as the buildings collapsed, and when rescuers arrived they found but the charred bodies of members of their families.
In passing through Moto-machi to ascend the Bluff, it was found that at the various approaches numerous landslides had occurred, while at other points huge rents in the centre had divided the road to the extent of several feet. Those who visited the Bluff on Sunday and Monday described it as almost unregnisable. Off the main Bluff the Ferris Seminary, a well-known Girls’ School near the Union Church, had collapsed like cardboard, and the Principal, Miss Kuyper who had returned from Karuizawa on Friday evening to prepare for the autumn session, was crushed under the ruins, which later broke into flames.
The Japan Weekly Mail 1923.9.13
ブラフに登るために元町を通過する際、様々なアプローチで多数の地滑りが発生していることがわかった。 日曜日と月曜日にブラフを訪れた人たちは、ほとんど無警戒の状態だと評した。ユニオン・チャーチの近くにある有名な女子校、フェリス女学校は厚紙のように崩れ落ち、秋季講習の準備のために金曜の夕方に軽井沢から戻った校長のカイパー女史は、廃墟の下敷きになり、後に炎に包まれた。
「横濱震災航空寫眞帖 第参」表紙、P3北方・埋立地 横浜市中央図書館所蔵
- *1
- 「The Great Earthquake of 1894」Japan Gazett
- *2
- 「横浜貿易新報」(明治42年3月16日)
- *3
- 明治34年横浜にて、写真を撮り彩色、絵はがきとして英国や米国に向けて販売を始める。
日本人女性笹子サダと結婚し上大岡に居を構える。昭和17年没。 - *4
- 「The chronicle & directory for China, Japan and the Philippines. 1894&1895」
「The directory & chronicle for China, Japan, Corea, Indo-China, Straits Settlements, . . . &c. 1909」ほか
1. 1894(明治27)年6月20日の地震「東京地震」
1894年の地震についてレポート「The Great Earthquake of 1894」(ジャパンガゼット社)
「On the Bluff the earthquake created the greatest excitement and fear among residents. At many of the houses chimneys came down with a crash and every resident is bewailing the loss of treasures curios and crockeryware. In some houses the walls have been completely denuded of ornaments.
At Mr. C. K. Marshall Martin’s house at 265 three chimneys came down; at Mr. J. E. Beale’s, No. 58, the chimney toppled over and fell through the roof; and chimneys also fell at Mr. J. A. Fraser’s, No.21, at No. 72, No. 85, the U.S.N. Hospital; while at the Convent one of the side walls has given way. A landship occurred at Mandarin Bluff.
Communication by train with Kobe is interrupted.」
1894年の地震についてレポート「The Great Earthquake of 1894」(ジャパンガゼット社)
「In the street up Yatozaka on the Bluff there were many fissures, the largest being 20 yards long and 5 inches wide. In the compound of 142 cracks were very numerous, some being 2 feet deep and 8 or 9 inches wide. Nos. 36 and 39 were so dangerously damaged that the Police sent firemen and demolished the buildings completely, as they were likely to causes injures to passersby. The Convent, No. 83, suffered greatly. In the damage of furniture, Mr. Smedley seems to have been one of the greatest sufferers, so far. Mrs. Hegt, 59, had a narrow escape with three children, a chimney top falling just behind her, and she fell to the ground unconscious. Fortunately, the explosive storage was quite safe. A rikisha-man of the Italian Consulate, Chuzo by name, was knocked down by a brick falling, and was removed to Negishi Hospital but died the same night. About 50 houses suffered more or less.
At the time the shock occurred Mr. J. Cain’s children were playing in the drawing room at No. 119. The shock brought down a chimney, which crashed through the roof and celling and fell into the room, causing considerable damage, but fortunately no-one was injured. At Mr. A. W. Payne’s house at No. 132 a chimney fell, and the walls were fractured, while in the garden fissures a foot deep and 20 feet long were caused.
The Bluff Police summoned their full staff and firemen, and made all preparations possible for a recurrence of the shocks.」( )
2. 1909(明治42)年3月13日の地震